Catch "Johnny K. The Record Ranger" On The Radio
It's funny...I've been doing the online radio DJ thing for nearly four years now, and this is the first time I'm ever mentioning it on my website.
As part of my duties to spread the gospel about the Texas Jukebox Project and keeping great Texas music alive, I've been hosting my own online radio show, called "Record Ranger Radio," every Tuesday at 7pm ET/4pm PT on Electromagnetic Radio.
Not only do I play Texas blues, country, and rock n' roll, but I play a lot of other music from artists and genres that have inspired me as a record collector, archivist, and overall music nerd. For two hours I get to geek out and drop a little education on whoever is listening. So, if you have some time to kill every Tuesday night, tune in with me, move back the furniture, and cut a rug.

For this season, I'm trying to be better about scheduling my broadcasts in advance to stay on top of things. I will admit, it can be daunting to curate two hours worth of new music every week, hoping you don't repeat anything too early on. However, there are just some songs and artists I love love love that warrant repeats. Anyhow, it's been really fun to DJ again (I used to do it in college back in the day) and introduce some new ears, myself included, to some great music that can't and won't disappear.
On a related note, I'm working on a separate 'podcast' (if you wanna call it that) for the TJP, called "Johnny K's No Last Call." The show will focus on a lot of different songs, artists, genres, labels, etc in an effort to keep me focused on what I do for Record Ranger Radio. I also plan to keep it under 15-20 minutes, since most of our attention spans are crap these days. So, be on the lookout for that info in the near future.